We turn your garbage into big benefits.

Let us handle it from here!
Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) is fuel produced from municipal solid waste (MSW) and other combustible refuse. These are combustible materials such as non-recycle plastics and paper, which can be turned to fuel to create energy. RDF is a renewable energy source that ensures waste is not simply discarded into a landfill but is instead put to good use.

RDF is an emerging green fuel that contributes to a greener environment by generating alternative energy and resolving environmental issues related to waste disposal; it also allows for cost savings while reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions!


Advantages of utilizing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF)

  • Waste is utilized to generate electricity.
  • Alternative and renewable resources of fuel which is derived from municipal waste.
  • Generate profits from waste management.
  • Saving the land by using less landfills area.
  • It contains Higher Calorific Value or Higher Heating Value.

The production of RDF is separated by different processing steps, such as: -

  • Bag splitting/Shredding
  • Size screening
  • Air classification (density separation)
  • Ballistic separation
  • Separation of ferrous and non-ferrous materials
  • Separation refinement through re-shredding


B - Fuel Thermal  Conversion Technologies
C - Energy Production
D - Society: Energy Use, Waste Production
E - Waste Segregation
F - Waste Sorting and Processing